Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Eagle Scout

I completed my Eagle Board of Review December 8th, 2006. So far it's been my greatest accomplishment yet. But I always tell myself that this is only the beggining. My service has only started. Sure there's a lot of personal gain that has come/ will come out of it but the most valuable thing to learn from becoming an Eagle is the skills you aquire throughout your scouting "career". Plus you really do help your community out. Later on, I'll post pictures of my project. If anyone reading this is looking for advice for any of the steps for the Trail to Eagle send me an email at and I'll be more than happy to help you along. Moms/ Dads, encourage your sons/ daughters to join scouting. They'll thank you for it later!

Yours in Scouting,
- Thomas G.

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