Sunday, April 22, 2007

Red Dots

Airsoft; I know, I know. There not "real" guns but when it comes to testing new concepts when I don't have the right gear for my real firearms it works as a good substitute. In this case it was the concept of Red Dot sites. I picked up a Tasco Pro-Point for $30.00 at a Wally World in Manchester (I think, I was on my way back from Hartford to talk to a Coast Guard recruiter). I picked it up for the "Aww, what the hell" factor, aka I had some money left over from my previous spending. I bought it for my AR15 that has a A3 flatop upper. Well, I mount it on but the site sat too low to be of use. I got to get a rail for the carry handle really. Well I did have my cheap airsoft spring loaded rifle around. So I decided to test it!

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Well, I gave it a try. After firing off a number of 6MM BBs to site it in I got to say I like this type of site! It does have parallex so the dot moves as you move your head but to me it's easy to deal with. The benefits are worth it for me. Quick aquiring of the target. It's accurate enough at close ranges. It's definately not a precision tool but for fun and tactical uses; it's worth the money if your into fun or tactical shooting.

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