Saturday, May 30, 2009

YouTube Videos Soon... Hopefully

I'm trying to get some tacti-cool YouTube videos up and running. I'll try start filming tomarrow. I'm not sure on what subject matter I want to cover yet so I'm open to suggestions.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Immeadiate Action AR15 Setup


About a month ago, the wife and I picked up a pair of BushMaster AR15s at Cabelas. She liked the AR I had a year ago (that I sold :/) and wanted one of her own. Of coarse I wanted another one too so we got matching ARs. She uses hers for plinking and home defense and keeps hers plain jane.

I on the other hand, well I'm decking my loadout out. I'v got mine setup for Immeadiate Action use; ie. Why use a pistol when a rifle is a better force multi-plier?

Part of the loadout is a basic belt and magazine pouch seen here:

The pouch has enough room for two magazines. In addition to the pouch, I keep a Trauma Kit aft that is not in the picture.

Next is the actual rifle.


Mine is plain jane with one exception; a Redi-Mag.


The Redi-Mag is an intersting device that allows for very fast, efficient speed reloads. The down side is that it does add some wieght to the system but the added benfit of more efficient reloads and ammunition managment offset the weight issue.


As you can see I use a two point sling system. The sling used isn't tacti-cool or that latest wizz bang sling but the sling off of my SKS. I'll get a replacement SKS sling for the SKS but for now it rides on the AR15 becasue it is simple and very durable.

The magazines pictured are the MSAR composite magazines. I'm testing them for a local gun shop right now. They are OK but I'm not going to trust them to defense use just yet. For that I have two BushMaster 30 rounders and one C-Products Steel 30 rounder. In the defense mags I keep Hornady TAP FPD 55 grain loads. It wasn't cheap but it was worth every penny. I sighted in using the Hornady 55 grain FMJ loads that are loaded to a similar specification as the FPD but wasn't as hard on my wallet. Now that the rifle is sighted in for the defense ammo, I'll shoot whatever is cheap (brass cased ammo prefered) for range/ plinking/ drills.

I may get some optics next year after the tax return and pick up an EOTech. I'v tried the AimPoint before on an AR and I wasn't too keen on it but the EOTechs I'v tried were pretty nice. Either way, I'm going iron sights until then. May be even pick up some Tritium sights and call it good. We'll see.

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